From Amanda Beech to Charmi Gada Shah

From Ole Hagen to Ritesh Meshram

From Nisha Samuels to Mohit Kant Mishra
From Bob Matthews to B. Ajay Sharma

From Mike Marshall to Sahej Rahal

From Lorea Alfaro to Vhaibav Raj Shah
I’d like You to prepare a set of eleven photographs that will contain fragments from eleven different poems.
Preferably I’d like You to start the process from reading the poems and trying to find out in each one of them one particular detail that You’ll enhance via the image.
This particular detail shall belong to the sphere in which the verbal and the visual shall merge so finally we do not know what kind of meaning we’re facing here: meaning of the word or of the image.
You can develop this process even further through telling a story in such way. One detail from the poem will be followed by another one and the surrounding images will bring us upon the point of coherence or conflict between these different sources.
Choice of poems belongs to You.
While arriving upon eleventh image try to find some sort of conclusion that will bring all process to harmony or that will turn it into ashes.
Good Luck – Kamil Piotr Adamus
From Kamil Piotr Adamus to Anni Kumari
From Esteban Torres Ayastuy to Paribartana Mohanty