Church of San Martin Obispo (Arrieta, Bizkaia). 14.09.2024 / 15.09.2024
Aileen Kelly, Akane Saraiva Rando, Alex Hegazy, Ali Glover, Ana Genovés, Aristide Stornelli, Beñat Krolem, Divyesh Undaviya, Elena Mendizabal, Inés Garcia, Irati Inoriza, Katrin Hanusch, Madhu Venugopalan, María Muriedas, Meher Afroz Vahid, Mike Marshall, Mikel Arce, Mikele Sotil Etxabe, Nadia Barkate, Niroj Satpathy, Niyeti Chadha Kannal, Ole Hagen, Radhika Agarwala, Ra Asensi, Rosie Reed, Shivangi Ladha, Swati Kumari, Tom Woolner, Urna Sinha, Veda Thozhur Kolleri, Yuuki Horiuchi.
Curated by Jasone Miranda-Bilbao.

View of the exhibition at the church of San Martin Obispo
Urrea.Zilarra / Gold.Silver is an invitation to coexist and share unexpected situations. An opening toward new relations and patterns of recognition. A combination of feral hermeneutics, allegorical truths and secondary meanings.
In religion, different metals symbolise different things and outside of their religious value gold and silver are treasured because of their material properties and history as currency and their role in the storage of wealth. Traditionally, Catholics also considered gold and silver to be beautiful. Gold stands for things that are precious and embodies qualities such as joy and the celebration of good things. Because of its shine and indestructive qualities, malleability and scarcity, it symbolizes the divine qualities of God and the human veneration of the divine. Silver is more abundant than gold and so, in that sense, less valuable, but when polished it is highly reflective. Pure silver is almost white and its whiteness epitomizes the idea of purity, virtue and respect. It is a soft, lustrous, malleable metal and an excellent conductor of electricity as well as heat. It is also highly valued in the making of mirrors, photographic equipment and images and for medical instruments, medicine and in health.

View of the exhibition at the church of San Martin Obispo

Elena Mendizabal, Ley Propia. Diálogo a Cuatro Voces. 2023. Audio installation with headphones and QR. Black module furniture, plastic, wood, textile. 150x200x69 cm. Audio and text Elena Mendizabal. Adaptation and interpretation Natalia Vegas, Oihana Garro, Gema Intxausti, Elena Mendizabal.
'The audio is a fictitious dialogue amongst four historic artists: Louise Bourgeois, Lygia Clark, Barbara Hepworth y Leonora Carrington; the voices correspond to those of Oihana Garro, Natalia Vegas, Gema Intxausti, Elena Mendizabal.' EM

Left to right, Ana Genovés, Elena Mendizabal

Ana Genovés Datos relativos.

Maria Muriedas Gaua sartzekotan, 2024. Photographic images printed on fabric, copper, metallic cable. Dimensions variable.

Meher Afroz Vahid Carousel. 2024. Collage scroll; drawings and text.
´17 images taken from a train window overlooking the landscape, during journeys between Mumbai and Baroda in India over the 9th month of pregnancy. Transitioning from mother's to mother in law's home. ´ MAV

View of the exhibition
Mikel Arce Egunsentia Urdaibain. 2023. Brass sheet, calligraphic polishes, amplified sounds recorded at the Urdaibai Bird Center: Laguna of Orueta 28/04/2023 + low urban frequency. 95 x 95 x 2,2 cm.

Left to right Madhu Venugopalan, Nadia Barkate, Swati Kumari.

Nadia Barkate Cabeza dormida. 2023. Blown glass and fushing. 60x40x35 cm / 20x20x25 cm.

Madhu Venugopalan Through the transparent layers of life. 2023. Ink on paper, rocks sourced locally. 15.24x10.16 cm and rocks

Left to right Nadia Barkate, Swati Kumari, Radhika Agarwala, Mikele Sotil Etxabe, Niroj Satpathy, Inés García.

Inés García River. 2018. Super 8 transferred to HD, single channel. 33 seconds clip from an original 2:26 min.

Left Inés Garcia, Mikele Sotil Etxabe Izen gabea 2. 2020. Oil paint. 24 x 19 cm.
Right Mikele Sotil Etxabe Izen gabea 1. 2020. Acrylic and oil paint. 81 x 65 cm.

Katrin Hanusch Toys. 2020. Series of brass casts, some with enamel paint, in varying size.
´Sand cast at the Jnana-Pravaha Institute during a residency at the Alice Boner Institute in Banaras/Varanasi, India in 2020.´ KH

Swati Kumari Holding the verse. 2024. Sumi Ink and wool on fabric. 244 x 112 cm.
´Holding needs strength and strength gives you stability. The shine is mine and hence the source of it.´ SK

View of the exhibition

Bottom Niroj Satpathy, top Alex Hegazy

Alex Hegazy I know not what I do does. 2024. Glass wax, metal, nylon. 25cm x 3m.

Niroj Satpathy Family of the Landfill. 2023. Recycled wood, found objects, gold foil, fiber cast, copper wire. Dimensions variable.

View of the exhibition

Rosie Reed Stick a Fork in Me. 2024. Toaster, wooden spoon, sunglasses, glass eye, paint & clay. 57 x 28 x 15cm

View of the exhibition

Divyesh Undaviya Share the Golden hour with someone. 2023. 4 drawings, acrylic, chalk paint and charcoal on paper. Precious. 2022. Single drawing, brick-dust on paper.

Beñat Krolem S.C.K. – Survivor Coverture Kit – 2024. Fabric material with metalic supporting system, broches, eyelets and thread. Dimensions variable.

Ra Asensi Branchae en el umbral · 2024. Glazed stoneware with iron oxide, copper, seaweeds. Corten steel and sea water. Blessed water. 12 x 134,94 x 63,17 cm.

Radhika Agarwala We converged In the water’. 2024. HD Video (Colour, Sound). 16.20 Minutes

Tom Woolner A Digression of Air (Extraction). 2024. Acrylic resin, pigment and silicone. 46 x 42 x 6cm

Mike Marshall Force Fields are Real. 2024. Vintage Multiband Radio. 24 x 15 x 6 cm plus antenna.

Front Niyeti Chadha Kannal No Title. 2024. Balsa Wood. 74 x 30 x 3 cm.
Back Tom Woolner, Aristide Stornelli.

Aristide Stornelli The Ghost in the Plate Series. 2019-2024. Incision on aluminum plates. Dimensions variable.

Front Shivangi Ladha I rise. 2024. Etching. Aquating on Hahnemuhle. 40 x 52 cm
Back Aristide Stornelli.

View of the exhibition

Aileen Kelly A Fathers Protection. 2024. Cardboard, Wood, Gold Leaf. Height 65 x diameter 35 cm.

View of the exhibition

Left to right Urna Sinha, Ole Hagen, Radhika Agarwala.

Ole Hagen Ascension/Descension 2024. Plaster, light, perspex 30 x 30 x 40 cm.

Urna Sinha Abyss. 2014. Gouache on silk. 112 x 15 cm.

Radhika Agarwala Will We Ever Walk In The Fields Of Gold Again III. 2022. Cast brass and patina.
42.4 x 35.6 x 2.5 cm.

Irati Inoriza El agua cantaba al aire. 2021. Sound work on speakers. Duration 7:00 min.

Veda Thozhur Kolleri Still Raw, Still Tender (Two shells). 2023. Drawings on paper, lightbox. 45.5 x 25 x 34.5 cm.

Yuuki Horiuchi See the Light. 2022. Scratched line drawing on copper. Dimensions h10 cm x w15 cm.

Ali Glover Vent (I). 2022. Jesmonite. 24 x 12 x 2 cm.

Akane Saraiva Rando Paratí. 2024. Plastic, seal tape, vinyl, photographs printed on paper, coins and cellophane. Dimensions variable.

8x4. Urrea.Zilarra/Gold.Silver. View of the exhibition at the church of San Martin Obispo.